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Tahu the fire spirit and the fiercest of the six Toa, and the most feared - you don't want to get into a fight with Tahu if you can help it.

Tahu is most at home in the hot molten world of the Mangai Volcano where he surfs on lava flows, using his sword of flames to cut through rocks and keep the lava moving down towards the ocean.

He is hot-headed and irrational, with a flaming temper. He has the least patience of all of the Toa, and often jumps into a situation without thinking, which often gets him and the other Toa into trouble!



Gali is the spirit of the water, and the only female Toa. She is incredibly wisewiser, possibly, than all the other five Toa put together.

The Tohunga worship her more than any of the others. They believe she is the sustainer of life - but if she gets angry, look out! Tidal waves and rainstorms flood the island!

Gali is the most agile and gymnastic of the six Toa. She has incredible jumping abilities and her own brand of acrobatic self-defence.



Kopaka is the spirit of ice. He is cool, calculating, and coldly methodical in his actions. His long ice blade cuts and melts through the ice; one skillful swipe of it can cause avalanches or instantly freeze anything it touches.

Kopaka prefers to work alone. He is the least communicative of the Toa, and will only join forces with the others if it's necessary for his own survival.



Lewa is the spirit of the air, and the Tohunga believe Lewa controls the skies - the clouds and the wind. Lewa is almost monkey-like, and prefers to inhabit the treetops of the Jungles around Kauae Bay.

Lewa's axe cuts easily through trees and vines as he climbs and jumps through his jungle. He's supremely competent with aerial activities, and can even glide through the air when jumping from tree to tree.

Lewa is always ready to jump to conclusions - and he's the first to get into trouble.



Pohatu is a stone spirit. He is immensely strong and can literally move mountains. Pohatu can cause massive rocks to explode like bombs, or roll with great precision towards any attacker. His huge feet contain great power, destroying even the toughest rocks with a single kick!

Pohatu is liked by all the Toa for his kind nature and for his rock-solid dependability. He's slow, but friendly and dependable. He's not good at snap decisions, but when he makes a decision to do something, he sticks with it until the end--and you DON'T get in his way! Whenever there is trouble, Pohatu will always be there behind you, an



In normal daylight his eyesight is poor, although he compensates with amazingly powerful hearing. He is slower on open land than underground, but has incredible strength and surprising dexterity.

Onua is at one with the land. He can hear trouble coming from miles away, and on occasion can even persuade the landscape to do his bidding - very useful when under attack.



No creature that speaks has seen the Makuta and returned. His lair could be in every shadow, every scrap of darkness. Some say he has three heads. Others say he can change into many forms. Only one thing is known for sure: if he is not stopped, his power and evil will grow to dominate all of Mata Nui.

The legend says the Makuta is a whirling, kicking, screaming, clawing beast. He--or IT-- could be many things at once - cobra, tiger, hawk. Each must be defeated before the Makuta emerges from deep inside the surface of Mata Nui and replicates into a vicious swarm of separate and equally deadly beasts. And if this happens, the beings of Mata Nui will know untold harm. So the legend says.


The Nui-Rama resemble large, flying insects. They can be found throughout Mata Nui, though it is believed they make their nests in Lewas jungles. Nui-Rama spend most of their time in the air, spying on the Toa for Makuta or stalking their prey.

Natural Tools: The Nui-Rama can make their buzzing wings flip forward to dislodge an opponents mask. They can fly at great speed and often use hit-and-run tactics to keep their enemies off-balance.

Danger Level: Although Nui-Rama are not as powerful as Toa, they have one very large advantage over the heroes: they can fly. The Mask of Levitation allows a Toa to float on the air, but none of the Toa have the power of flight. This gives the Nui-Rama a huge edge and makes them a real threat to the Toa and the tribes of Mata Nui.

Like all Rahi, the Nui-Rama are controlled by the infected masks they wear. If the masks are removed, the Nui-Rama will cease fighting and can sometimes even be tamed.


The Nui-Jaga are huge, scorpion-like creatures. They can be found primarily in the deserts of Mata Nui, though they have been spotted in the jungles and along the coast as well. Nui-Jaga normally hunt in pairs.

Natural Tools: Nui-Jaga rely on their strong claws and their powerful stinger. A single well-placed blow from a stinger can knock off an opponents mask. They have also been known to work with other Rahi, using their stingers to herd enemies into ambushes.

Danger Level: The best way to survive an encounter with a Nui-Jaga is to stay out its way. Their speed, their stingers, and their cunning make them dangerous opponents. The Toa most successful at battling Nui-Jaga is Lewa, who can take to the trees and stay out of range of their stingers.

Like all Rahi, the Nui-Jaga are controlled by the infected masks they wear. If the masks are removed, the Nui-Jaga will cease fighting and can sometimes even be tamed.


Tarakava live in the oceans and rivers of Mata Nui, preferring the shallows close to the shoreline. They are huge, lizard-like creatures and virtually always hunt in pairs. Those Tohunga who sail the waters of Mata Nui have learned to fear the Tarakava more than any other Rahi.

Natural Tools: Tarakava are amphibious. They can stay underwater for prolonged periods of time, waiting for a chance to strike. When prey comes near, their use their powerful arms to stun their target. They have also been known to attack Tohunga boats, capsizing them.

Danger Level: Like the Nui-Rama, the Tarakava are comfortable in an element unfamiliar to most Toa: water. Gali, the Toa of water, is the best equipped to battle Tarakava, and even she is wary of them. Pohatu and Lewa, both of whom dislike water, are at the biggest disadvantage when facing Tarakava.

Like all Rahi, Tarakava are controlled by the infected masks they wear. If the masks are removed, they will cease fighting and can sometimes even be tamed.


Although they are very different creatures, Muaka and Kane-Ra work together because Makuta wishes them to do so. Muaka is a large tiger-like creature and Kane-Ra resembles a great bull. They are two of the most powerful Rahi!

Natural Tools: Both Muaka and Kane-Ra are capable of extending their necks a great distance, making it easier for them to corner and catch prey. Muaka relies on his snapping jaws, Kane-Ra on his sharp horns. Muaka and Kane-Ra are both very fast and rely on surprise.

Danger Level: Many a Tohunga has made the mistake of thinking that because Muaka or Kane-Ra was far away, there was no danger. Their ability to extend their necks means you can never be sure where an attack will come from. Often, Muaka hides in the jungle and will suddenly shoot his head forward to grab something on the path, while his body stays concealed.

Like all Rahi, Muaka and Kane-Ra are controlled by the infected masks they wear. If the masks are removed, the two will cease fighting and can sometimes even be tamed.


The Manas are the most powerful guardians of Makuta. They resemble huge crabs, and their sheer power and vicious tempers are legendary. Just where on Mata Nui they can be found remains a mystery, but it is believed they protect the lair of Makuta.

Natural Tools: The Manas' most powerful weapons are their claws. A Manas claw is powerful enough to snap a full-grown tree in half. When they are not fighting the enemies of Makuta, the Manas stay combat-ready by fighting with each other.

Danger Level: Manas are easily the most dangerous Rahi. They are so powerful that no single Toa can hope to defeat them. Only by combining their powers and skills can the heroes of Mata Nui successfully challenge these monsters.

Like all Rahi, Manas can be defeated by knocking off their infected masks. No one knows if a mask-less Manas can be tamed, because no one has ever survived long enough to get a mask off one.
